water treatment system for dairy farm

Water Filtration System for a Dairy Farm’s Borehole in Halifax, West Yorkshire


The customer faced a pressing issue on their dairy farm – exceptionally high levels of iron contamination in their borehole water supply. The influx of iron not only caused pipe blockages but also posed a threat to the purity of their milk production. To compound the problem, limescale buildup further restricted the water flow across the entire farm.


Understanding the severity of the situation, we promptly installed a cutting-edge iron removal system. The customer also required a comprehensive water softener, to combat both the iron overload and hardness issues. To neutralize the water’s acidity, a pH correction system was expertly implemented alongside a twin UV pre-filtration setup.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of iron removal, click here.

For more insights on water softening, click here.

To discover the significance of pH correction, click here.

Experience the difference a top-tier water filtration system can make on your dairy farm by exploring more of our successful projects here.

Private Water Supplies for Agricultural or Farm Use:

If you find yourself in need of assistance with your private water supply on your farm or smallholding, whether it be a borehole or a spring, we are here to help. Our team of experts are well-equipped to provide you with free telephone advice and on-site guidance to tackle any water quality challenges you may encounter.

Don’t compromise on the integrity of your agricultural water supply – reach out to us today!

Water Testing

The starting point for any water treatment design is a representative water analysis that is complete and accurate. Using a UKAS Accredited Laboratory. Two of our engineers, here at Prosep Filter Services, have undergone formal training and are now certified to carry out water sampling to UKAS accredited standards.

Existing Systems

At Prosep Filter Services we have taken on many Water Treatment Systems installed by other companies like ourselves. We are always happy to work with new customers. 

Iron & Manganese Reduction

Prosep Filter Services offer various sizes of systems to remove iron and manganese from your private water supply. We have technical experts on hand to help resolve any problems you may have with your borehole or spring water supply.