Common Category: safe water

Relocation Of Filtration System | Chesterfield | Peak District

Relocation Of Filtration System | Chesterfield | Peak District

Prosep Filer Services were more than happy to help this charity with the relocation of their filtration system. We moved their existing water treatment system to a more suitable location, we then added an Ion Exchange unit and a safety shut-off UV for supplying water...

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Sediment & Colour Removal | North Yorkshire

Sediment & Colour Removal | North Yorkshire

A brief description Sediment & Colour removal from a North Yorkshire private water supply.  Full description High levels of bacteria were not being treated by the UV due to excessive sediment and colour in this private water supply. We installed an automatic...

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New Borehole Filtration

New Borehole Filtration

Borehole Water Treatment | Lancashire This is an existing customer who has been using a neighbouring borehole supply for a number of years. They have had a water treatment system, installed by Prosep Filter Services, for this existing supply for a number of years....

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